Office of the State Auditor releases audit of Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control

The Office of the State Auditor released its Audit of the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (DABC).  The Office identified six findings and recommendations related to problems with DABC’s operations.  

  1. Finding 1: Troubled Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP) Caused Multi-Million Dollar Errors in State of Utah’s General Ledger
  2. Finding 2: ERP System Must Be Reconciled to General Ledger Monthly
  3. Finding 3: DABC Finance Division Accounting Expertise Could be Enhanced
  4. Finding 4: DABC’s Ability to Analyze Individual Retail Store Revenues and Expenses is Now Possible
  5. Finding 5: Store Manager Time Cards Should be Reviewed Before Being Approved and Paid
  6. Finding 6: Time Cards Should be Accurately Recorded


The report may be found on the Office’s website,  The Report is available specifically at,Departmentof.pdf .