Utah State Auditor John “Frugal” Dougall rejects MAGA antics and its culture of grievance

Utah State Auditor John “Frugal” Dougall, Republican candidate for Utah’s 3rd Congressional District, celebrates a Reaganesque vision for American greatness.

Dougall notes, “Ronald Reagan’s strength was his bold ideas for the future, his sunny optimism in the American people, and his faith in free markets, entrepreneurship, and innovation. The mainstream conservative movement, once led by Reagan, is yielding to persistent, vicious attacks from extreme MAGA populism.”

Dougall is the mainstream conservative choice in this crowded race. He explains, “For two decades in elected office, I have been a staunch champion of free market, limited government, and fiscal responsibility. I represent the critical wing of the Republican Party that that has been abandoned by many in Washington who are too afraid to stand against strong personalities with personal agendas and to stand up for the America’s long-term interests.

Dougall’s new billboard proudly rejects the MAGA movement. “I oppose the corrosive MAGA movement that is destroying today’s Republican Party,” proclaimed Dougall. “America needs serious leaders willing to work together to solve incredibly difficult problems: rising inflation, ballooning debt, border security, legal immigration, a weakening economy, and the blatant disregard for the rule of law. Utahns don’t need antics from social warriors hammering a culture of grievance, promoting personality over principle, and celebrating showmanship over substance.”

“The Republican Party used to be the party of big ideas,” Dougall reflects. “Sadly, not today. Over the past eight years, the Republican Party has lost its vision, reacting to the Democrats misguided agenda, rather than driving its own compelling vision for the future.”

Dougall continued, “Today, more than ever, we need big ideas. Because big ideas propel us forward, inspire action, and shape the future. Big ideas have the power to unite us with a shared sense of purpose. We need big ideas to tackle hard things. All while staying true to our core principles of limited government, individual liberty, free enterprise, and fiscal responsibility. Together, we can dream big. Together, we can do hard things. Together, we can rebuild America as a beacon of hope and opportunity or your family, and mine, and for every American family.”