Hatch Introduces Bipartisan Bills to Protect Taxpayers, Reduce Identity Theft and Refund Fraud

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) announced the introduction of two bipartisan bills designed to prevent identity theft and tax refund fraud, and to better protect American taxpayers. 

The bills, the Stolen Identity Refund Fraud Prevention Act, S. 3157, and the Taxpayer Protection Act of 2016, S. 3156, were each approved by a voice vote in a Committeemarkup held in April.  Chairman Hatch issued the following statement upon introduction of the bills:

“Protecting taxpayers from bad actors looking to use their identities for fraudulent purposes and enhancing overall taxpayer protections has been a priority of the Committee, and I am pleased today to formally introduce legislation approved by our members.  By identifying problems plaguing taxpayers and advancing smart legislation to address those issues head on, the American people are seeing real, bipartisan results from this Congress.  I look forward to working with colleagues on both sides of the aisle as we build on our efforts with the hopes of having this enacted into law soon.”  

Additional information on the Stolen Identity Refund Fraud Prevention Act can be found here.

Additional information on the Taxpayer Protection Act of 2016 can be found here.

To date, the Senate Finance Committee of the 114th Congress has reported out 39 bills on a bipartisan basis, advancing more legislation than any single Congress since 1980.