Missouri Candidate’s Campaign Ad is Just 20 Seconds of Him Firing a Machine Gun

2016 08 04 Eric Greitens AdEvery election season features some truly memorable campaign ads. This year is no exception.

Missouri Republican gubernatorial candidate Eric Greitens has unleashed an ad that features him firing a Gatling-style machine gun for 20 straight seconds.

Slate.com says Greitens, a former Navy SEAL, has a very impressive resume aside from his machine gun skills.

The 42-year-old former Navy SEAL (and former Democrat) won the state’s Republican primary on Tuesday and will now square off with the state’s Democratic Attorney General in the race to replace term-limited Gov. Jay Nixon. Greitens, despite having an impressive resume—Rhodes Scholar, Ph.D. from Oxford University, author, photographer, humanitarian, you know the usual—has focused on his ability to fire a machine gun, which is pretty much what governors do all day.


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