Most Utahns Think FBI Should Have Brought Charges in Clinton Email Scandal

Hillary Clinton 06More than 2/3rds of Utahns say Hillary Clinton should be charged with a crime for her use of a private email server while Secretary of State.

A new survey finds 67% of Utahns disagree with the FBI’s decision to not file criminal charges against Clinton for her use of the email server. That number includes a whopping 57% who “strongly” disagree with the decision. Only 29% agree that Clinton should not be charged with a crime for the server.


The scandal broke in March of last year when it was revealed that Clinton used a private email server instead of State Department servers to host her email while Secretary of State. Many of those emails that passed through her private system were marked “classified” retroactively by the State Department.

That sparked an investigation by the FBI who found that 113 of the emails on Clinton’s server contained information that was classified.

The FBI investigation concluded that Clinton was “extremely careless” with her email system, but recommended no charges.

As you can imagine, Utah Republicans overwhelmingly think the decision by the FBI was in error. An astounding 92% of GOP voters in Utah disagree with the decision to not file charges. On the other side of the partisan spectrum, 88% of Democrats agree with the choice to not file charges.

Independent voters tend to side with Republicans on the issue. 65% of independents feel criminal charges against Clinton were warranted, while just 29% said no.

A survey from earlier in August found that Republican Donald Trump had a 12-point lead over Clinton among Utah voters, while nearly half of Utahns believe Clinton will eventually win the White House.

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