Love Plans to Hammer Matheson on Obamacare Votes

Mia Love plans to make Obamacare the top issue in her potential 2014 rematch with Democrat Jim Matheson.

The Hill reports Love plans to target Matheson’s vote against a 2011 measure to repeal the law, even though he has voted against the law itself numerous times.

“Matheson voted against the repeal of ObamaCare — January 2011, H.R. 2, he voted against the repeal of ObamaCare,” she told The Hill in an interview at the National Republican Congressional Committee offices.

“As much as he’d like to run away from that, he can’t run away from that. That was his vote on the floor … When we really needed him, when Utah really needed him before it went to the Supreme Court, we couldn’t count on his vote.”

In an interview, Matheson told The Hill that Love is “really grasping at straws” in attacking him over ObamaCare.

“I’ve consistently been against this bill. I’ve had problems with this bill over time, since we first discussed it in committee, and my voting record shows that,” he said.

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