LDS Dems urges Congressman Jason Chaffetz to investigate the Trump campaign’s involvement with Russia

LDS Dems of America, with its chapters in Utah, Idaho, Kansas, North Carolina, and Arizona released the following statement in response to the recent resignation of former National Security Advisor Gen. Michael Flynn and recent reports indicating communication between key members of the Trump campaign and Russian officials in the year preceding the 2016 election.

“The events of the past several days have opened a chasm of questions regarding the relationship between President Trump and his campaign with the government of Russia. The resignation of Michael Flynn has not provided answers. On the contrary, it has opened concerns that could prove to be grave threats to American freedom.

“Representative Jason Chaffetz serves an invaluable role and responsibility as the Chairman of the House Government Oversight Committee to answer some of these questions. Up to this point, he has declined to open an investigation, saying ‘I think that the situation has taken care of itself.’ He has now softened his statement by saying the door is always open for an investigation, but he has yet to give any evidence that he will actually act. On behalf of all Utahns we are asking him to walk through the door.

“The reports of key members of Trump’s campaign communicating with Russian officials in the year leading up to the 2016 election shows that this goes beyond General Flynn. The widening credibility gap in the White House warrants the full attention of Congressman Chaffetz’s office. Our Constitution and national security are at stake. We call on patriots everywhere to speak up for our country and ask Congressman Chaffetz to investigate the President.

“In Doctrine and Covenants section 134, the Saints declare, ‘all men should step forward and use their ability in bringing offenders against good laws to punishment.’ Congressman Chaffetz has an important stewardship to act in this regard, and he is shirking that responsibility. It isn’t enough to keep the door open for an investigation. It is time to act. The consequences of inaction are immense.

“We call on Congressman Chaffetz to join Republican leaders in the Senate by putting aside party for country and open a proper investigation into the Trump campaign’s interactions with the Russian government rather than continue to rely on intelligence community leaks and the media to find the truth. We understand the political implications of investigating the Trump administration, however the safety and liberty of all Americans, regardless of political affiliation, requires our leaders to choose to lead.”  

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