National Headlines 3-12-17

Assad calls U.S. forces ‘invaders’, but still hopeful on Trump (Reuters)

NYT leader: Washington Post slogan ‘sounds like the next Batman movie’ (The Hill)

Obstacles mount for tax reform (The Hill)

Can Ronna Romney McDaniel unite a fractured Republican Party? (McClatchy)

For Solace and Solidarity in Trump Age, Liberals Turn the TV Back On (New York Times)

Republicans still battle each other even after gaining power (Associated Press)

Through his budget, a bottom-line look at Trump’s new Washington (Washington Post)

Donald Trump Jr., running the family business, says he has nearly ‘zero contact’ with his father (Washington Post)

Calif. man carrying Mace arrested on White House grounds after scaling fence (Washington Post)

Trump Wants Faster Growth. The Fed Isn’t So Sure. (New York Times)

EPA to study whether its emissions tests are vulnerable to cheating (Christian Science Monitor)

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