Chaffetz could become the first Utah member of Congress to quit early

If Jason Chaffetz resigns early, he will become the first-ever member of the U.S. House from Utah to quit his term.

Smart Politics says Utah and Alaska are the only states never to have a member of Congress resign mid-term.

Utah had seen a Senator leave before their term was over. In 1974, Wallace Bennett resigned a few days early to give incoming Sen. Jake Garn a head-start on seniority. That practice is no longer allowed.

Chaffetz would be the first Utah member of Congress to resign out of the 38 who have served in Washington D.C.

There is speculation that Chaffetz is readying a run for Governor in 2020. That’s not as far-fetched as it may sound. According to Smart Politics, there have been three members of Congress in recent memory who resigned early then went on to win the race for governor in their state.

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