National Headlines 5-24-17

In first under Trump, U.S. warship challenges Beijing’s claims in South China Sea (Reuters)

French Censors Target Children With Down Syndrome (Wall Street Journal)

Manchester Bomber Believed Muslims Were Mistreated, Sought Revenge (Wall Street Journal)

Trump debuts in Europe as Obama returns to stir nostalgia for the old days (Guardian)

Melania Trump’s spokeswoman confirms that she’s a Catholic (Daily Mail)

McConnell frets about healthcare, hopeful on tax overhaul (Reuters)

Obama admin knew gang members were part of illegal immigrant surge: Whistleblower (Washington Times)

McCain: Cynical Democrats killed Lieberman’s FBI chances (CNN)

Vermont’s Governor Vetoes Recreational Pot Bill (NPR)

Democrats Ask Deutsche Bank to Produce Documents on Trump Family Loans (Bloomberg)

Another Insurer Leaves Missouri’s Affordable Care Act Exchange (FOX Business)

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