National Headlines 7-4-17

Trump tells troops in Fourth of July speech: I have your back (Washington Examiner)

White House details Trump meeting with Putin (The Hill)

Five changes GOP might make to healthcare bill (The Hill)

Two Silicon Valley billionaires want to reinvent the Democratic Party with a new project called ‘WTF’ (Business Insider)

Trey Parker on giving voice to ‘Despicable Me 3’ villain, mulling the end of ‘South Park’ and ignoring Trump (Los Angeles Times)

Media errors give Trump fresh ammunition (The Hill)

Cannabis could soon be attraction at California county fairs (San Francisco Chronicle)

Foreigners own 1 million+ acres of Georgia ag land (AJC)

Kim Jong-un riles Trump on the Fourth (Daily Mail)

Illinois Senate nixes vetoes of budget plan with tax hike (Washington Post)

Neil Gorsuch’s first few months begin to reveal how nine-justice Supreme Court will develop (Washington Examiner)

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