Utah driver practice exam wins Utah Innovation Award

Stoel Rives LLP and the Utah Technology Council announced that Utah.Gov has been recognized with a Utah Innovation Award for its Amazon Echo Alexa Skill. Utah.Gov was selected as an Honorable Mention award winner in the Consumer Software category.

“We are very proud of the recognition this service is receiving,” said Mike Hussey, Utah Chief Information Officer. “We strive to provide valuable award-winning services to the residents of Utah, and being recognized by our peers in the state is wonderful.”

The annual Utah Innovation Awards highlight cutting-edge and innovative work being done in Utah and the creative minds behind it. The Utah.Gov Alexa Skill helps Utah drivers study for the driving exam by reviewing questions. In addition, Utah.gov also added a Utah State Facts skill for the Echo. Alexa will share interesting facts about the beehive state.

“We are excited for the possibilities new technologies like digitial assistants create,” said Hussey. “When we see the success applications like the Alexa Skill achieve, it helps us see new ways to interact with state government.”

Nominees in the Utah Innovation Awards program undergo a strict evaluation process by their peers and leaders from Utah’s business and academic communities. This process is unlike any other used by other programs in the state and results in awards that reflect the esteem of leaders within the individual innovation areas.

Utahns can load the skill to the Alexa App on a mobile device.

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