National Headlines 10-17-17

FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow (The Hill)

Jaguars apologize to local military for anthem demonstration (Associated Press)

Senior Homepage Editor Reveals Biased Political Agenda at New York Times (Project Veritas)

Harvey Weinstein Scandal Could Finally Change Hollywood’s Culture of Secrecy (Variety)

Hollywood’s Other ‘Open Secret’ Besides Harvey Weinstein: Preying on Young Boys (Daily Beast)

New health deal falls flat with GOP (The Hill)

Where’s Jesus? Vegas guard’s vanishing just the latest mass-shooting mystery (New York Post)

Heritage Foundation considers top White House aide, Cubs co-owner as next leader (Washington Post)

George Soros Transfers Billions to Open Society Foundations (New York Times)

White House denies Trump joked about Pence being anti-gay (Politico)

Amazon Caused Donald Trump to Lose $400 Million in Net Worth, Says Forbes (Fortune)

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