National Association of Counties Large Urban County Caucus to host symposium in Salt Lake County


The National Association of CountiesLarge Urban County Caucus Symposium will be held Oct. 25-27 in Salt Lake County, Utah. 

Mayor Ben McAdams will showcase local innovations to county leaders, including NACo President Roy C. Brooks, a commissioner from Tarrant County, Texas and LUCC Chair Larry Johnson, a commissioner from DeKalb County, Ga.

The symposium will bring together approximately 100 officials from urban counties in 20 states along with other government, philanthropic and private sector leaders. They will discuss federal policy priorities and how counties drive national progress through local leadership on key issues, including the opioid crisis, economic and community development and human services.

Members of the media are invited to cover the symposium. RSVP to Brian Namey at

Sessions will take place at the Snowbird Resort. Agenda highlights include:

Wednesday, Oct. 25

12:15 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Ballroom 2

Applying Laws of Growth to Urban Expansion and Sustainability

                Thursday, Oct. 26

                9 a.m. – 10 a.m.

                Ballroom 3

                Opioid Litigation Overview: Accountability and Deterrence

LUCC is a nonpartisan coalition of elected county officials from the nation’s 120 most populous counties, representing roughly 150 million residents. The group identifies challenges, provides leadership in developing national solutions and implements programs to serve metropolitan communities nationwide. 

For more information about LUCC and the symposium, click here.



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