Hatch tax plan will save an average middle-class family $1,500 annually


Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, introduced the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, his proposal for comprehensive tax reform based on the unified framework put together by Hatch, the Senate Finance Committee, the House Ways and Means Committee, and the Trump administration. 

The legislation will update the US tax code, and provide tax relief for middle-class families and small businesses in Utah and around the country. Estimates show this bill could save a typical US family of four up to $1,500 annually (more details to come throughout the afternoon).

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will bring our outdated tax code into the 21st century and provide much-needed tax relief for hardworking American families and small businesses. Our tax reform package will unleash the American economy, leading to more jobs, higher wages, and greater investment here at home. Passing tax reform is more important now than ever. The cost of doing nothing would be too much for the American people to bare.

Now, after nearly a decade of stagnant wages and sluggish economic growth, we finally have a President who is serious about working to ensure that we have a tax code that actually works for the American people.


The Tax Cuts and Job Act: 

  (Download full Policy Highlights document here)


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