National Headlines 1-16-18

White House doctor says president had a perfect 30/30 score on cognitive screening test (Daily Mail)

2017: The Year the News Media Went to War Against a President (NewsBusters)

Ex-CIA Officer Suspected of Compromising Chinese Informants Is Arrested (New York Times)

How China Infiltrated U.S. Classrooms (Politico)

White House on ‘Shithole’ Comment: President Trump Isn’t a ‘Scripted Robot’ (TIME)

Justice will ask Supreme Court to intervene, allow Trump administration to end DACA (Washington Post)

‘Total free-for-all’ as Bannon clashes with Intel members (The Hill)

White House Fuels Immigration Debate With Terrorism Statistics (New York Times)

‘New California’ campaign aims to separate rural counties from coastal cities (SFGate)

U.S. House Panel to Hold Hearing on Emergency Alerts After Hawaii Error (Reuters)

Cost of California bullet train jumps by $2.8 billion just in the Central Valley (Los Angeles Times)

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