National Headlines 5-17-18

Media outlets take Trump out of context to suggest he called undocumented immigrants ‘animals’ (CNNMoney)

‘Animals’ Not Strong Enough Term for Brutal MS-13 Gangbangers (PoliZette)

Spinning a Crossfire Hurricane: The Times on the FBI’s Trump Investigation (National Review)

Trump to Cut Planned Parenthood Funding, Administration Will Announce Friday (Weekly Standard)

Mideast conflicts connected by vying powerbrokers (Associated Press)

New Jersey school board member apologizes to police chief she called ‘skinhead’ (FOX News)

Jeff Sessions ends Obama-era ‘de facto’ court amnesty for illegal immigrants (Washington Times)

Arizona men charged with operating scam PACs (The Hill)

House Republicans Agitating For Immigration Fight (NPR)

Trump weighs in on ‘Yanny’ vs. ‘Laurel’ debate: ‘It’s covfefe’ (Business Insider)

‘No One Is Answering, No One Knows’: What Las Vegas Shooting Witnesses Told Police (NPR)

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