Local Headlines 7-18-18

Salt Lake Tribune

Editorial: On school testing, Utah must make up its mind

With nearly 125,000 attending in 2018, Sundance Film Festival is a major economic draw, study says

BYU will appeal judge’s ruling that its police department should be subject to Utah’s open-records laws

Wilderness activist Rose Chilcoat won’t be tried in southern Utah corral dispute; state decides not to fight move to drop charges

UTA suggests possible sale of naming rights for its TRAX lines or stations as a way to raise money

Senate confirms Utahn to the Federal Reserve board

SLC Airport traffic grew by 1 million passengers last year to now rank as nation’s 23rd largest

Utah Rep. Chris Stewart says Trump is not a ‘Russian stooge’

Deseret News

Editorial: As adoption enters the culture war, what’s best for the children?

Utah County GOP chooses Marsha Judkins to fill Utah House seat

Senate confirms Utah investor to serve on Federal Reserve board

Utah legislative leaders plan to add child tax credit to special session agenda

Sen. Orrin Hatch would back legislation to restrict Trump’s ‘reckless’ reliance on tariffs

Legislative auditors ask colleges: ‘Dude, where’s your keys?’

Sundance ’18 shines with 124K attendees generating nearly $200 million


Legislators: Logan stuck with sales tax loss to fund SLC homeless issues (Logan Herald Journal)

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