McAdams calls on House Democratic leadership to prioritize infrastructure


Congressman Ben McAdams has signed a letter to the House Speaker and Majority Leader asking for quick movement on a series of infrastructure bills to address long-running needs in Utah and across the United States. 

McAdams said upgrades to roads, bridges, airports and the electrical grid are important to Utah’s economy and to improve safety and reduce congestion in the rapidly-growing 4th Congressional District.

The letter notes that “infrastructure investment is a top priority” and it is an issue which “broadly unites the Democratic Caucus along with many of our partners from labor organizations to industry associations.”

“Utah’s backlog of highway, road and bridge projects has contributed to safety concerns, congestion and poor air quality,” said McAdams.  “Tackling this backlog will provide good-paying jobs and improve our quality of life, with less time stuck in traffic and more time with families and friends.”

The Blue Dog Coalition letter says that now the government has reopened, the House Leadership team should turn quickly to preparing a series of infrastructure bills. It says Americans have made their views known that making transit improvements, investing in cost-saving energy-efficiency programs, and reforming our port is a priority.

“I stand ready to work with Republicans and Democrats to move forward on these critical investments in Utah’s and America’s future,” said McAdams.