Mitt Romney says he’s made a decision about whether he’ll vote to block Trump’s emergency declaration, but he won’t say what it is yet

20190306 Romney MSNBC

Freshman Sen. Mitt Romney told MSNBC on Wednesday that he had made up his mind on whether he’ll vote in favor of the resolution to block President Donald Trump’s border emergency declaration, but he won’t yet reveal what that is.

Earlier this week, Sen. Rand Paul announced he would vote to block the emergency decree, which ensures there are enough votes for it to pass the Senate. But, the declaration will almost assuredly be vetoed by President Trump when it reaches his desk. 

MSNBC congressional reporter Garret Haake said he’s not surprised Romney is keeping his cards close to his chest on the vote.

“I think some of these Republican senators don’t see any benefit in coming out early and saying they will oppose the president and then get the snot beat out of them on Twitter,” he said.

President Trump sent out a series of tweets on Wednesday he’s upset with Republicans who are breaking with him over the emergency declaration, which will allow him to divert military funds to build his long-promised wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. Trump repeatedly said Mexico would pay for the wall during the 201 campaign.

Former Republican Party Chairman Michael Steele told MSNBC host Brian Williams he’s hoping Romney will show some political backbone and push his fellow Republicans who are uncomfortable with President Trump using the emergency powers in this way to vote in such numbers they would be able to override a presidential veto.

“If Romney comes out and draws that battle line, it may have the impact of stiffening the backbone of some other members in the Senate,” he said. “I’m saying Romney, lead us to 67 votes, then let’s see what happens.”

Watch the clip via MSNBC.


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