Straw poll: Who will be Salt Lake City’s next mayor?

Salt Lake City Hall

Our “Political Insiders” and readers think Sen. Luz Escamilla is the most likely to be elected the next Mayor of Salt Lake City according to our straw poll.

The Republicans, Democrats and readers who responded to our poll picked Escamilla as the likely winner. Former Sen. Jim Dabakis and City Councilwoman Erin Mendenhall were either the second or third most popular choice based on the group.

So far, there are 9 candidates who have joined the race to replace Mayor Jackie Biskupski who announced she was not running for another term last month. The top two candidates in the non-partisan primary election advance to the general election in November.


The race is on track to become one of the most expensive in the history of Salt Lake City. 

Selected anonymous comments:

Dabakis is just as a crazy as an average Republican Central committee member.

Hard work and smart policies will pay off for Ibarra.

Jim Dabakis is not who I would support, but I think he’ll win. People don’t realize that our former “lovable gay icon” accomplished absolutely nothing while he was in the Senate.

Escamilla’s legislative experience will bring a balanced approach to the administrative duties of mayor. She has an understanding of fiscal responsibility as well an understanding of the diversity of social needs in the community.

It will be interesting to see if SLC residents are ready to elect a competent leader and not just someone who checks the progressive boxes.

Ibarra represents the best of SLC, and has a strong business background as an operator, he is well-liked across the board and will build consensus on vital issues.

Name recognition matters in local government elections.

I don’t think Jim really wants the job, he may want the title, but not the job.  In the end, I wouldn’t be surprised if he bows out because he knows that it won’t be Jackie.

Councilwoman Mendenhall is likely the best fit, as far as policy chops, but Dabakis is clearly the front runner.

This is beginning to look like the 2016 Republican presidential field. Let’s hope Salt Lake doesn’t end up with a “Trump-esque” candidate.

Imagine that, a race where voters have to pick a candidate and not a party.

I really like Christian Harrison’s vision for the city. He strikes me as a true public servant who is not a career politician. He just seems to want what is best for SLC.

Luz Escamilla is the most qualified and strongest leader of these candidates. Salt Lake City needs her to win!

Luz might be overshadowed by the dramatics of Dabakis, but she cannot be outworked. She’s a consensus builder and will win.

God help us all if Jim Dabakis wins.

Senator Escamilla is exactly who we need. smart. effective. Strategic.

We need representation from the West side to make sure the city moves forward together.

Please Salt Lake voters, just give us someone with some common sense.  That has been in short supply for the last several mayors. But, alas, that may be too much to hope for.

In a crowded field, name ID puts Dabakis into the Primary and likely sees him through to victory.

Most likely Dabakis. But for all that is good and holy, I sure hope not.

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