Curtis, bipartisan representatives introduce Kleptocrat Exposure Act

Congressional News 04

Representative John Curtis (R-UT) released the following statement after joining his colleagues in the House of Representatives to introduce the Kleptocrat Exposure Act.

The legislation will provide the Secretary of State the authority to publicly reveal the names of individuals and their immediate family members who are subject to US visa bans as a result of human rights abuses, corruption, and other malign activity.

“I am proud to join with my colleagues to introduce legislation that helps US business owners, and punishes corrupt officials, otherwise known as kleptocrats, in Russia and around the world that take advantage of American businesses,” said Curtis. “With this legislation, global criminals and their corruption will be publicly exposed and US businesses will no longer be used as unwitting tools of kleptocracies.”

Statements of Support

“Global criminals and corrupt autocrats—or kleptocrats—seek to spend their ill-gotten gains in the United States, where they can indulge in luxury, pursue positions of influence, and exploit the rule of law, which protects their stolen wealth. Our country should not be a shelter for these corrupt individuals,” said Rep. Cohen.

“Corrupt elites in Russia, and around the world, fear exposure. They thrive off of secrecy to continue to keep their corruption going. It is time to sound the alarm about who these bad actors are and shield American citizens from these crooks,” said Rep. Chabot.


Many kleptocrats already have been prohibited from traveling to the United States on the grounds of their engagement in malign activity. However, under current law, these and future visa bans are confidential. If made public, this information would further protect the United States and its allies by exposing these kleptocrats.

Cosponsors include: Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN), Rep. Steve Chabot (R-OH)  Rep. Alcee L. Hastings (D-FL), Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC), Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX),and  Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA).

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