Weber County, Weber-Morgan Health Department, local cities and local businesses launching mask up campaign to slow COVID-19 spread

The group is set to launch a new public information campaign encouraging citizens to wear masks to prevent the rise of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Weber County has continuously worked to balance the health of our residents, the necessities of the economy, and the personal American rights of our citizens. 

Beginning July 6th, Weber County became one of the first counties to require masks in all government buildings by employees and the public. We will strongly encourage our citizens to Mask Up for Weber County. “When I think about the discomfort of wearing a mask, it doesn’t even compare to the discomfort of being in the hospital on a ventilator with tubes in our bodies,” said Mike Clark, Administrator of McKay-Dee Hospital, “I am so glad we are pulling together in Weber County to fight against COVID-19 by masking up.”

Mask Up Weber is a multifaceted public information campaign designed to further encourage community members to wear a mask in support of their loved ones, the economy and the progress of recovery. Weber County will deliver this campaign through print, billboards, radio ads, social media campaigns, news outlets and more. “We are encouraged to see so many private businesses making the decision to mandate masks without the heavy-hand of government requiring them,” said Commissioner Jim Harvey, “In America, everyone gets to choose, including the public. We hope they will make the decision to support the health of the community and mask up. It all starts with a mask.” 

Weber County is already doing a good job in respecting the health and safety of others, as we’ve seen many businesses and public spaces requiring masks for entry. “I’m very proud of this community for their kindness and awareness of others,” said Ogden Mayor, Mike Caldwell. “We all understand that wearing a mask is not the easiest thing to do, but your choice to do so speaks leagues to your compassion and caring of your neighbors and friends in our community as we all pull together to work through these unprecedented times.”

Weber County has made progress, but there is still a long road ahead, especially if we don’t work together to slow the spread. Brian Bennion, Executive Director of the Weber-Morgan Health Department shared, “The risk of getting the virus has increased the past month, since we have gone back to work and the economy has been opened.” The Mask Up Weber public information campaign will remind citizens that mask-wearing can keep our community moving forward and help us make it through this trying time together. “It is very important to remember to wear a mask when we are unable to maintain proper social distancing. In addition, we need to wash our hands often and stay home when we are ill,” Bennion said, “These practices will allow us to protect the vulnerable and hospital capacity, as well as, give us the best path to ensure the economy remains open.”  

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