Love: Trump promoting birther lie about Kamala Harris is ‘harmful to the American people’

20200814 Love CNN

Former Utah Rep. Mia Love criticized President Donald Trump on Friday for promoting a baseless, racist conspiracy theory about Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris. 

Earlier this week, Trump suggested that Harris, who was picked to be Joe Biden’s vice president, was not eligible to be president because she was not born in America. That’s patently false as Harris was born in Oakland. 

The claim is a retread of Trump’s “birther” attacks on former President Barack Obama, who he suggested was born in Kenya instead of the United States, which was another false claim. 

CNN’s John King asked Love, now an analyst for the network, why the President and his allies resorted to such baseless attacks instead of focusing on their policy differences with Harris.

“It is absolutely ridiculous and I have to tell you it’s harmful,” said Love. “Harmful not just to people like me, but it’s harmful to my children that watch and it’s harmful to the American people.”

Love said she sympathizes with Harris as she’s been attacked by opponents from both the political left and right because of the color of her skin. 

“We should not be choosing presidential candidates or who is going to lead our country based on these games that they play. They should be on policy. Who can lead? Who’s going to solve the problems of Aerica? America has a lot of them, so this birther issue should not be on the list,” said Love.

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