Situational awareness – August 19, 2020

Good Wednesday morning from Salt Lake City


The Legislature’s 6th special session is tomorrow (8/20/2020)

36 days to the 1st Congressional District debate (9/24/2020)

41 days to the Utah gubernatorial debate (9/28/2020)

43 days to the Utah Attorney General debate (10/01/2020)

49 days to the Vice Presidential debate at the University of Utah (10/07/2020)

54 days to the 4th Congressional District debate (10/12/2020)

57 days to the 3rd Congressional District debate (10/15/2020)

61 days to the 2nd Congressional District debate (10/19/2020)

76 days to the 2020 election (11/3/2020)

154 days to inauguration day (01/20/2021)

159 days to the start of the 2021 Utah Legislature (1/25/2021)

Here are the stories you need to pay attention to this morning:

  • Democrats official nominate Joe Biden for president.
  • The head of the Postal Service says he will hold off on implementing controversial changes until after the November election.
  • Legislative Republicans slam the door on a bid to block funding for a controversial coal port in California.

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