Policymaker Profile: Getting to Know Todd Weiler

Note: Utah Policy regularly profiles policymakers from across the state. This week we profile Utah State Senator Todd Weiler, District 23.

Occupation: Attorney

Education: BYU

Growing up: Chicago suburbs

Fond memory: Snowmobiling behind my house

Childhood ambition: Become a lawyer

Family: Six siblings, four children

Why politics: Genetic defect

My perfect day:  Exploring another country with my wife

Hobbies: Cycling

First job: Janitor

Current motivations: Keeping my head above water

Lesson taught me by my mother: Read the scriptures

Hottest issues I’m watching: COVID-19 fallout

Biggest challenge in public life: Juggling different responsibilities

Biggest accomplishment: Marrying Elizabeth

Alarm clock: My family

Proudest moment: Becoming a father

My philosophy of government: Limited is best

Why my political party: Fighting for equal opportunities rather than equal outcomes

Playlist: 80s Top 40

Personal motto: Life is what happens while you’re making other plans

Most embarrassing moment: Shooting at the wrong basketball hoop in Jr High

Inspiration: Doing my best

Retreat: St. George

Favorite book: John Adams

Favorite web site: Twitter.com

Indulgence, guilty pleasure: Netflix

Mentor: Doug Parry

I admire most in the world: Those who sacrifice for others

A small insight into my psyche: I don’t like bullies

My farewell message to the world: Pineapple belongs in pizza

My district is cool because: All the great people

I like serving in the Legislature because: I have a seat at the table

Running for political office is: Like poking yourself in the eye

Historical figure I’d like to take to lunch: Martha Hughes Cannon

Sports team: Cougars

Favorite pet: Cocoa, but he left this world two years ago

I always laugh at: Dad jokes

My desk is: Cluttered

Biggest issues ahead in 2021 session: Getting back to normal

My priorities for 2021 session: Surviving

Anything else you’d like to share: Don’t say “you guys” a lot when delivering a formal speech. Also, your socks should match your tie and your belt should match your shoes.

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