Policymaker Profile: Getting to know Rep. Lee B. Perry

Utah Policy regularly profiles policymakers from across the state. In this edition we profile Utah Representative Perry, Republican, District 29.
What is your occupation? Retired law enforcement, consultant.

What is your educational background?  BA in Criminal Justice Administration from Columbia College.

Where did you grow up? Brigham City.

Can you describe a fond memory? Being able to ride my bike to the Capitol Theatre in downtown to watch the original Star Wars when I was 10.

What was your childhood ambition? Marry my first grade teacher, be a policeman in second grade and then be a race car driver.

What is the makeup of your family? I have two older sisters, an older brother (deceased), and a younger brother. Married and have 4 kids, one son-in-law and a granddaughter.

Why politics? Governor’s security detail, UHPA leadership lobbying.

Describe your perfect day: With my wife on a cruise ship or out looking at fall foliage.

What are your hobbies? Riding bikes, golf, people watching.

What was your first job? Mowing lawns in the summer and shoveling walks in the winter.

What are your current motivations: God, family (especially my granddaughter), country, especially service.

What lessons were taught to you by your mother? Serve others when you can.

Hottest issues I’m watching: LE reform.

What is the biggest challenge in public life: Answering all the emails, texts, phone calls, and letters you get.

What is your biggest accomplishment? Primary seatbelt, hate crimes legislation.

What time does your alarm clock go off? Used to be 5:30 a.m. Now I’m retired it’s 6:45 a.m.

What is your proudest moment? Being a husband, father and grandfather; politically it would be winning my first election and then my first primary two years later.

What is your of philosophy of government: I prefer government closest to the people, but I understand the need for state and federal elected officials. I don’t like bills run for one area if it’s not something that will benefit other areas of the state, but one size does not always fit all.

Why my political party? Ronald Reagan, Abraham Lincoln and generally conservative beliefs on many issues.

What songs are on your favorite playlist? God Bless the USA; I can’t Drive 55; JUMP; Chain of Love; Forever and Ever Amen; You’re my Inspiration; American Hero.

What is your personal motto? Happiness is much more fun than anger or sadness.

What is your most embarrassing moment? Being pulled over for a red light violation with the governor in the car. I still say it was yellow.

Who is your inspiration? My wife and kids.

What is your favorite retreat? Cruise to Alaska.

What is your favorite book? “Who moved my Cheese” and The Book of Mormon. They have a lot in common.

What is your indulgence or guilty pleasure? Dirty Diet Coke and coconut cream pie.

Who do you consider a mentor? My dad and grandpa Mangum and several scout leaders and some Utah Highway Patrol leaders I have worked with and for.

Who do you admire most in the world? President Russell M. Nelson.

A small insight into my psyche: I know PTSD is real but it is manageable.

My farewell message to the world: I hope I left things better than it was before me.

My district is cool because: Maddox is in my district, the house I grew up in and the elementary and junior high school I went to are in my district.

I like serving in the Legislature because: I love serving people and this was a great opportunity to serve where I stood.

Running for political office is: Brutal and a little crazy but also energizing.

A historical figure I would like to take to lunch: Abraham Lincoln or Joseph Smith.

What is your favorite sports team? Box Elder Bees.

What is/was your favorite pet? My grand dog Jax the Rat Terrier.

I always laugh at: The stupid answers people gave when they got pulled over.

My desk is: Cluttered enough to look well used but not messy.

The biggest issues ahead in the 2021 session? Dealing with the balance of power to deal with emergency powers, COVID-19 issues, education costs and administration, LE reforms.

My priorities for the 2021 session? Retiring and supporting my colleagues and my replacement.

Anything else you’d like to share: Looking forward to new challenges.

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