Jr. Women in Business scholarship program soars, needs more sponsors

South Valley Chamber Junior Women in Business Scholorship Program has been helping participants learn leadership skills. Each participant receives a financial stipend, leadership training and assists in a service project as they work with mentors.

According to an article in the Riverton Journal, one student talked about the value of seeing women in positions of power.


“I think it’s difficult to find the representation of women in positions of power,” Anya Tiwari said. “But being in this program has exposed me to many successful women all at once. They come from a variety of different backgrounds and are talented in a variety of different ways. Still, they have all gone through similar struggles in climbing to the top of a male-dominated field and proving their worth.”

The South Valley Chamber is looking for additional sponsors. For additional information, contact Karla Rogers, director of Programs for the South Valley Chamber at karla@southvalleychamber.com.

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