WEBINAR: COVID-19 relief package overview

The Salt Lake Chamber is hosting a webinar with members of Utah’s Congressional delegation regarding passage of the coronavirus relief bill. 

“The Salt Lake Chamber expresses gratitude to Congress for its work on this critical COVID-19 relief package,” said Derek Miller, president and CEO of the Salt Lake Chamber. “The pandemic has challenged Utah businesses and our economy, making federal relief important for businesses — especially small businesses — and the individuals and families who depend on them. The Salt Lake Chamber has been working with our federal delegation, focused on getting relief to the many small businesses that are still hurting. These businesses have done everything they were asked to do to keep their customers safe and their doors open, and this new stimulus will help sustain them through the vaccine rollout.”

The Chamber’s webinar is part of its Roadmap to Recovery program, to assist and track Utah to a “complete and full economic recovery.” 

COVID-19 Relief Package Overview

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

10:00 – 11:00 a.m.


Please register to receive the most up-to-date information.


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