Orrin Hatch condemns riots, calls for unity

Today, Senator Orrin G. Hatch, Chairman Emeritus of the Hatch Foundation, released the following statement in regards to the gathering crowds and protests at the United States Capitol:

“Without any pause, caveat, or equivocation, I condemn the riots taking place at the US Capitol. The Capitol symbolizes the beating heart of American democracy. It’s where we convene in the spirit of civility and compromise to hash out our greatest differences and move legislation forward. The lawless incursion on our Capitol is both a physical and spiritual attack on an institution I love—an institution I spent more than four decades protecting. 

Enough is enough. Our institutions are undergoing a stress test that they can only survive if our elected officials show unity in this critical moment. We are a nation of laws, not individuals—and the foremost responsibility of every member of Congress is to uphold our Constitution and the integrity of the democratic process.”

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