Situational Analysis – February 24, 2021

We’ve made it to mid-week! It’s National Tortilla Chip Day. Tortilla chips were first mass-produced in Los Angeles in the late 1940’s. Now, they’re ubiquitous in pantries across America. Enjoy a plate of nachos today in their honor. 

Yesterday, Utah’s legislative leaders in the House began calling out their Senate colleagues for refusing to act on changing the name of Dixie State University, the resolution on racism as a public health crisis passed out of committee while the bill to prevent discrimination based on natural hair and culturally appropriate hair styles is dead for the year. 

And big news this morning – the one-dose Johnson and Johnson vaccine is highly effective against severe forms of COVID-19 in the US and South Africa. 

If you only have time for one thing today: Take a minute to watch this heart-warming story about preschoolers and their socially-distanced Mardi Gras parade for senior citizens.

Mardi Gras



9 days to the end of the 2021 Utah Legislature (3/5/21)
49 days until the end of the Cox/Henderson administration’s first 100 days (04/14/2021)
65 days until the Biden/Harris administration’s first 100 days are up (04/30/2021)