Tweets of the day: The earthquake of 2020

Moroni lost his trumpet, the SLC airport was closed and the toilet paper was gone. Although to be honest, that was probably because the pandemic had been declared just 6 days earlier. My daughter and I had caught a late flight out of Colombia to Miami – one of the last for a while. We got up at o’dark-thirty and got on a plane to Denver. When we landed, we found out there had been an earthquake in Salt Lake City and no flights were landing. With so much uncertainty between earthquakes and pandemics, we rented a car and drove home.

Fox News was live during last year’s earthquake

Dave Noriega recorded it too

What we’ve learned since last year’s quake and the almost 3000 aftershocks

Annnnd – it wasn’t “the big one”

One year on, Gov. Cox reminds us to be prepared.