Oops! Political Mailer Accidentally Shows Obscene Gesture

Here's why proofreaders don't get paid nearly enough. A mailer for New York Mayoral candidate Bill Thompson has a picture of someone making a rude hand gesture in the background.

Here's the offending photo. Take a close look at the guy with sunglasses in the background.

From Politicker:

While some who viewed the photo saw the man as innocently adjusting his sunglasses, an informal survey of New York Observer staffers found a strong consensus that believe him to be giving the bird.

The image can be found in a pamphlet paid for by a soon-to-be well-known group called “United for the Future”–a political committee that appears to belong to the powerful United Federation of Teachers, which is expected to spend millions of dollars touting Mr. Thompson through independent expenditures in the race.

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