How Your Zip Code Predicts What You Like to Buy

This is kinda creepy. Marketers can predict what kind of consumer you are simply by where you live.

The Wall Street Journal highlights a project by mapping company Esri that takes demographic data and marketing information from GfK Mediamark Research and Intelligence to paint a picture of what people living in each zip code are likely to buy.

Give it a try below:

There's a more detailed version of the interactive map here.

Esri came up with 67 different kinds of marketing segments.

For example, “Dorms to Diplomas” are described as college students, whose median income is $17,000, never go anywhere without their cellphones and are “impulse buyers who experiment with different brands.” On the other end of the age and income spectrum are “Top Tier,” people who have an accumulated average net worth of over $1.5 million, live in suburban areas near major metropolitan areas along the coasts and are “attentive to good nutrition and fresh organic foods.”

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