New Rankings Show Utah Among Nation’s Top Economies

Just last Friday, Utah's latest jobs report showed the unemployment rate holding steady at 3.5 percent while job growth was up to 3.7 percent. In all, Utah added some 47,600 jobs over the past 12 months.

Today, we have an updated picture of how Utah stacks up with the rest of the nation:

"The governor's vision that Utah would lead the nation as the best performing economy has become a reality," said the governor's spokesman, Marty Carpenter. "While other states compete with us for the nation's best unemployment and job growth rates, we are working to grow our economy in strength and diversity. More and more, businesses recognize Utah is the place they want to invest and grow and that’s good news for all Utahns."

Utah's unemployment rate is also 2.5 points below the national rate (5.9 percent) with the state's job growth out-pacing the nation by 1.7 points (U.S. rate is 2.0 percent).

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