Does the GOP Have an ‘Orrin Hatch Problem’?

Conservative pundit Michelle Malkin says the Utah senator “exemplifies the career politician who stands for nothing and rolls over for everything.”

Writes Malkin at National Review:

Did the 2014 midterms really happen? Less than three months after a red tide rolled over the country, the Senate Republican Rollover Caucus is back to its default position in Washington, D.C.:

Hands up, bow down.

Last week, senior GOP supplicant Senator Orrin Hatch announced that he will support the confirmation of President Obama’s attorney general nominee, Loretta Lynch. He praised her “qualifications” and decried the Justice Department’s previous leaders who “have facilitated executive abuses by this president rather than upholding the rule of law.”


A Utah Republican, Hatch was one of the biggest, fattest facilitators of that lawlessness from the first days of the reign of Obama. Beltway amnesia among entrenched incumbents is a chronic disorder.

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