Hatch: Delay Obamacare Exchanges

In a Fox News op-ed, Sen. Orrin Hatch says Obamacare’s health insurance exchanges aren’t ready for prime time and shouldn’t be allowed to go live on October 1st.

Writes Hatch:

After members of Congress from both sides of the aisle warned the administration against launching a vulnerable system at the American people’s expense, miraculously on September 10th – poof! – the White House conveniently announced testing had been completed and the Data Hub was ready to launch.

While the administration may be convinced that their testing was sufficient and that the system is secure, there is still no time for an independent entity to verify the security operation or make recommendations to better safeguard and guarantee the privacy of consumers.

The repercussions of opening the exchanges with an unproven security system could be devastating, putting the personal and financial records of millions of Americans at the fingertips of data thieves. 

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