Bishop Pushes ‘Grand Bargain’ That Could End Utah’s Decades-Long Land Use War

High Country News takes an in-depth look at Rep. Rob Bishop’s efforts to craft a compromise Utah land use bill that will satisfy conservationists, energy producers, and everyone in between.

Reports Krista Langlois:

[F]or a while, it looked like the Grand Bargain might fall victim to Western politics as usual. Deadlines came and went, and counties remained locked in the same tired battles. Wayne County dropped out of negotiations. A sparsely-populated corner of northeastern Utah called Daggett County was briefly touted as a “model for the nation,” after it became the first to submit an agreement, but then the commissioners who drafted the plan were voted out of office and their replacements reneged. Things were not looking good.

But Bishop remained patient. Now, more than two years after sending the letter, his efforts are paying off. San Juan and Duchesne counties have jumped on-board and are working on proposals. Emery, Summit and Uintah counties have either submitted or are close to submitting proposals. And on April 10, the Grand Bargain got a big boost when Grand County, Utah, submitted its proposal.

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