Most Republicans Would Attend a Same Sex Wedding

A new survey shows most Republicans say they would attend the same-sex wedding of a family member or loved one.

A Reuters/Ipsos poll finds 56% of Republicans would attend a gay wedding if they were invited. 80% of Democrats and 70% of independents sayd they would go. Overall, 68% of Americans would attend the same-sex marriage of someone close to them.

The survey shows the issue could be a shaky one for Republican presidential candidates in 2016.

Though a right-leaning, anti-marriage position may appeal to important conservative voters in states with early nominating contests such as Iowa and New Hampshire, that stand could hurt an eventual nominee in the general election, in which cross-party appeal and independents play a larger role.

Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush said on Tuesday he would attend the same-sex wedding of someone he cared about. U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, also from Florida, told an interviewer he would do the same though he opposes gay marriage.

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker said he has been to a gay wedding reception but defines marriage as between a man and a woman. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, known for his appeal to the party's right-leaning Tea Party wing, has said he has not.