Americans for Prosperity Launches New Ad,

Today, Americans for Prosperity Utah is announcing the launch of a new campaign to educate Utahn’s on the risks of Medicaid Expansion. The chapter will be running a new 30-second ad promoting where concerned citizens can get the facts, learn more, and sign a petition to legislators.

Americans for Prosperity Utah State Director Evelyn Everton released the following statement:

"As Utahns, we pride ourselves as being a kind and compassionate people, but Medicaid Expansion poses serious risks to our state. The funding for this proposal is far from guaranteed, and should Congress stop holding up their end of the deal, Utahns could be left on the hook for up to $328 million in tax increases.

Not to mention that the plan increases the debt our children and grandchildren will pay back for generations. Lawmakers and concerned citizens alike should be sure to get the facts before taking a stance on this risky proposal."

The ad is below.


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