What is the ‘Poorest’ Town in Utah?

With a household income that's $13,000 lower than Utah's average, Delta is the "poorest" town in the state.

An analysis by Wall Street 24/7 looked at the median household incomes for cities with populations under 25,000. With a median income of $45,964, Delta comes in last in Utah's rankings. 

Delta, Utah
> Town median household income:
> State median household income: $58,821 (12th highest)
> Town poverty rate: 19.7%
> Town population: 3,457

The median household income in Delta was almost $13,000 less than the median household income in Utah, not an especially large gap compared to other states. The town’s median household income of nearly $46,000 was not very low, compared to poor towns in nearly every other state. Still, nearly 13% of Delta households earned $10,000 or less annually, more than double the corresponding percentage for all of Utah, which was one of the lowest proportions.