Utah GenX GOP Holds Presidential Straw Poll

GOP Logo 04The GenX GOP networking group met for a day-after-election lunch in the back room at Lamb’s, as has been their tradition for over a decade.

Wednesday’s meeting saw a typical turnout of political hacks, campaign gurus, election junkies, legislators, city councilmembers, and other officials. To celebrate the kick off the 2016 cycle the group held a straw poll to gauge who each attendee would like to see as the 2016 Republican nominee, administered by Gen X GOP founder Mike Winder and Weber County Clerk Ricky Hatch. The results:
11 votes (42.3%) Marco Rubio
5 votes (19.2%) Carly Fiorina
2 votes (7.7%) Chris Christie
2 votes (7.7%) Rand Paul
2 votes (7.7%) Jeb Bush
2 votes (7.7%) Obi-Wan Kenobi
1 vote (3.8%) Ted Cruz
1 vote (3.8%) Robert Gehrke
“I liked that Marco kicked Jeb’s ass in the debate,” said David Linford. 
“We need someone with military experience, the ability to remain calm in stressful situations, and Jedi powers. Obi-Wan Kenobi really is our only hope,” said State Senator Daniel Thatcher. 
“It is interesting that the two front-runners nationally, Carson and Trump, don’t even register with this group,” said Winder. “Young Utah professionals looking to defeat Hillary next year are clearly gravitating toward Rubio,” he noted, “and many say a Rubio-Fiorina ticket could be a big winner.”
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