The Assembly of State Legislatures to Meet at Utah Statehouse Nov. 11-13

More than 80 state legislators representing at least 30 states will meet this week to continue working to establish the procedural rules needed to hold a state-led convention for proposing amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

The meeting will be held at the Utah Statehouse in Salt Lake City on November 11, 12 and 13.
Article V of the U.S. Constitution authorizes states to call an amendment convention; however no such convention has ever been held in the history of the country. The Assembly of State Legislatures, comprised of currently serving state lawmakers of both political parties from across the country, has been working for two years to establish the rules of procedure needed to hold a state-led amendment convention should one be called by the states in the future.
The group first met in December 2013 at George Washington’s historic Mount Vernon estate in Virginia, and has held additional meetings since then in Indianapolis, Denver and Washington D.C.
The goal of the Salt Lake City meeting is to debate and hold a vote on the rules.
The Assembly of State Legislatures is not considering or endorsing any specific constitutional amendments. Rather, it is solely focused on establishing the rules needed to hold a potential state-led amendment convention in the future.
More information on the Assembly of State Legislatures is available at
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