Love Faces More Questions about Travel Expenses

National Journal looks at the concerns surrounding Rep. Mia Love’s use of taxpayer money, which have given Democrats an opening of attack ahead of her 2016 showdown with challenger Doug Owens.

Reports Jack Fitzpatrick:

For the second time in 10 months, fresh­man Rep. Mia Love is prom­ising to re­fund a travel ex­pense after her of­fice struggled to of­fer a con­sist­ent ex­plan­a­tion for her use of tax­pay­er money.


On Monday, Love told The Salt Lake Tribune and The Hill that she was re­im­burs­ing the U.S. Treas­ury for a $537.10 air­line tick­et on Feb­ru­ary 5 that she nev­er used, after re­port­ers had spent sev­er­al days ask­ing why she had charged tax­pay­ers for the same flight two days in a row. In Septem­ber, Love also prom­ised to re­turn $1,160 she spent in April on a roundtrip air­line fare from Utah to Wash­ing­ton, D.C., dur­ing the week­end of the White House Cor­res­pond­ents’ As­so­ci­ation din­ner.


In both cases, Love denied mis­us­ing tax­pay­er funds, but nev­er­the­less prom­ised to re­turn the money. But both are likely to fuel con­cern that the first-term law­maker, the first fe­male Re­pub­lic­an Afric­an-Amer­ic­an mem­ber of the House, has giv­en Demo­crats an open­ing to at­tack her in a race that polls show is sur­pris­ingly com­pet­it­ive against chal­lenger Doug Owens.

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