Press Release: Rep. Bishop Votes to Protect Americans from Tax Hikes

Rep. Rob Bishop (R-UT) voted in favor of the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes (PATH) Act. The bill makes a number of tax provisions permanent and grants predictability, clarity, and certainty to individuals, families, and job creators. Rep. Bishop offered the following statement after the vote:

“This bill reins in the overreaching IRS, and allows the American tax-payer more peace of mind. People can now plan for their futures because of the certainty this tax plan provides. This legislation also represents a victory against the Obamacare Medical Device Tax. This tax was wrong from the beginning. It hurts those who are most in need of our help. Without relief from this tax, Utah jobs would be lost. This fair and simple tax code will create jobs, unchain small businesses, and lead to more money in the pockets of families.”

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