Ten Things You Need to Know Today – Thursday, February 11, 2016

Good Thursday morning from Salt Lake City. There are 324 days left in 2016.

Cliven Bundy is arrested as the standoff at an Oregon wildlife refuge may be ending. Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders prepare to debate. What issues are most important to Utahns this election year?

The clock:

Thursday’s top-10 headlines:

  1. Cliven Bundy is arrested in Oregon as the standoff at a remote wildlife refuge seems to be coming to an end [Washington Post, CNN, ABC News].
  2. Let’s get ready to rumble! Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton meet face-to-face in Milwaukee for the first time since Sanders clocked her by 20 points in New Hampshire [New York Times, Politico, New Republic].
  3. Chris Christie and Carly Fiorina drop out of the GOP presidential race after a dismal showing in New Hampshire [NPR. CNBC, FiveThirtyEight, New York Times, CNN].
  4. Utahns say the economy and education are their top issues in this election year [Utah Policy].
  5. A House panel advances a bill that would change the partisan makeup of two key legislative committees, putting Democrats squarely at a disadvantage [Deseret News, Tribune].
  6. Wait, what? Sen. Margaret Dayton says the Commission on Women in the Economy is patronizing to women in Utah because she says it implies “women need special help” [Tribune].
  7. The Utah Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control says some cities are blocking construction of new state liquor stores [Tribune].
  8. A House committee rejects a bill to cut the Utah Transit Authority out of future tax hikes to fund transportation [Deseret News, Tribune].
  9. An all-male legislative panel kills a proposal to remove sales taxes from feminine hygiene products [2 NewsTribune, Deseret News].
  10. Lawmakers say they have Olympic fever and want Utah to bid to host the Winter Games again [Fox 13, Deseret News].

On this day in history:

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