Senator Ted Cruz Endorses Utah Governor Gary Herbert

Fresh off his primary win in Wisconsin and strong victory in Utah, Sen. Ted Cruz has endorsed Utah Gov. Gary Herbert’s re-election.

“I am supporting Governor Gary Herbert to serve the next four years as Utah’s governor because he is a principled, conservative leader who has guided Utah to becoming one of the nation’s strongest economies,” said Sen. Cruz. “He is a strong force pushing back against federal overreach and a government intent on limiting state power. I am confident he is the right choice to serve as Utah’s governor and I look forward to working with him for the next four years.”

On March 22, Sen. Cruz secured all 40 of Utah’s delegates by winning 69 percent of the vote, the largest margin of victory by any Republican candidate in any state thus far.

“I’m honored to have Sen. Cruz’s endorsement,” said Gov. Herbert. “He is a principled conservative who I believe will work to return power to the states and limit the size and scope of the federal government. I was very happy to see such strong support for him in Utah and his strong momentum as we march to the national convention in Cleveland.”

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