Women Say they Identify Better with Trump than Clinton or Sanders

Donald Trump 05Okay, this one is kinda weird. A new survey finds a plurality of female voters thinks Donald Trump does the best job voicing their opinions.

The poll from Morning Consult finds 29% of respondents said they best identify with Trump, while 25% said Bernie Sanders and 21% said Hillary Clinton. 

Those numbers are shocking given the many documented times Trump has said offensive or terrible things about women, most famously his feud with Fox News’ Megyn Kelly.

Fortune says it’s likely that Clinton and Sanders split the Democratic vote in the poll, and those numbers should change once there are only two candidates in the race.

While Trump may be the favorite overall, women age 44 and younger preferred Sanders to the other two candidates. For voters under 29, that preference is much more pronounced: 45% of younger women chose Sanders.

The survey also found that security is the top issue for women who support Trump, while Hillary Clinton leads among those who prioritize health care. Women who support Sanders prioritize “women’s issues” as their main concern.

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