‘Count My Vote’ Launches Advertising Campaign (Audio)

CountMyVoteLogoCount My Vote has launched a media campaign encouraging Utahns to get to the polls while pushing back against “party insiders” who used to limit access to the ballot.

The four radio ads began running this week on stations up and down the dial in Utah. 
Two of the ads feature a woman repeating “Primary election June 28” over and over in the background. In one commercial, a narrator tells listeners that Utah has a new way to nominate candidates this year. 
“Under the old way, party insiders decided who we can vote for in November. Now, we all decide,” he says. “Some candidates like the old system, with insiders calling all the shots. If you’re tired of insiders, it’s time to step up.”
The commercial then instructs listeners to log on to the CMV website to “find out which candidates want your vote counted,” obviously meaning those candidates who used the signature-gathering route to get on the ballot. 
Some county Republican parties are taking the unusual step of endorsing candidates in primary elections who used the caucus/convention route to get to the primary ballot, as long as those candidates secured 60% of the vote at the convention, which would be enough to win the nomination outright before SB54. 
The Utah County GOP, in particular, is stepping into three House primary races, endorsing Cory Malloy (HD6), Brian Greene (HD57) and Marc Roberts (HD67). The CMV website promotes the signature-gathering Republican candidates in those races – Mike Brenny, Xani Haynie, and Rick Moore.
Listen to the spots below.

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