Report Reveals Utah State Court Judges Disproportionately White and Male, Ranks Last in Nation for Diversity

Utah’s court system is failing to adequately represent the diversity of the state’s population, according to a new report authored by law professors Tracey E. George and Albert H. Yoon and released by the American Constitution Society for Law and Policy. 

The report, titled The Gavel Gap: Who Sits in Judgement at State Courts?, presents original research that demonstrates the woeful lack of minority and female representation among state judges. The data set, collected for the first time in a comprehensive and systematic manner, compiles the race, ethnicity, and gender of 10,000 sitting judges on state courts of general jurisdiction.

Professors George and Yoon examined the biographical information of judges in 51 jurisdictions across the country, and compared the percentage of women and minorities on each state judicial bench to that of the state’s general population. The states were then graded based on how closely their benches reflected their populations, with states close to or at parity receiving an A, and states with a representation gap of 40% or more given an F. Utah is one of 26 states to receive failing grade, ranked last at 51 out of 51 state court jurisdictions in the country for gender and racial diversity. On average, Utah’s judiciaries are 66% less diverse than the state population.

“The vast majority of Americans’ interactions with the judicial system, ranging from traffic violations to criminal proceedings, happen in state courts,” said Professor Tracey E. George of Vanderbilt University, one of the co-authors of the report. “When people do not see themselves represented in their community leadership, when the vast majority of judges cannot relate to the lived experience of those they serve—this is a problem. It creates a mistrust of judges, and propagates the mystery surrounding the court system. For the first time, we have the data we need to identify and address this serious problem.”

More information on the report methodology can be found here.

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